Sprite set file
Sprite sets are stored in directory id_low = 0x5f29, id_high = 0xc8e5 in the master file table. Each sprite set contains multiple distinct sprites, and each sprite may be made of multiple GBA OBJs.
File format
TODO: very incomplete
struct spriteset_header {
u16 palStart; // palette start index in the sprite palettes file
u16 spriteCount; // number of sprites in this sprite set
u16 unknown_0x04;
u16 unknown_0x06;
u16 unknown_0x08;
u16 unknown_0x0a;
u32 offsetToSprites; // byte offset from start of this struct to the spriteset_sprite[spriteCount] array
u32 offsetToUnknown_0x10;
u32 offsetToOBJs; // byte offset from start of this struct to the spriteset_obj[] array
u32 offsetToUnknown_0x18;
u32 offsetToTiles; // byte offset from start of this struct to the spriteset_tile[] array
struct spriteset_sprite {
u16 unknown_0x00;
u16 objCount; // Sprite is made up of this many OBJs
u16 unknown_0x04;
u16 unknown_0x06;
u16 unknown_0x08;
u16 unknown_0x0a;
u16 unknown_0x0c;
u16 unknown_0x0e;
// BYTE OFFSET from start of sprite_obj[] array to the 1st OBJ of this sprite
u32 objOffset;
struct spriteset_obj {
u8 flip; // bitmask; 4 = horizontal, 8 = vertical. TODO: other bits?
// 00=8x8, 01=16x8, 02=8x16
// 04=16x16, 05=32x8, 06=8x32
// 08=32x32, 09=32x16, 10=16x32
// 12=64x64, 13=64x32, 14=32x64
u8 shape;
i16 xOffset;
i16 yOffset;
// Bottom 12 bits: Start index for this OBJ in the raw tile data array
// Top 4 bits: Palette index, add to spriteset_header.palStart
u16 tileAndPalette;
struct spriteset_tile {
u8 data[32]; // Raw GBA tile data (8x8 px, 4bpp)
Each OBJ is linked to the palette it should use using the information in spriteset_obj.tileAndPalette and spriteset_header.palStart. However, the game engine can override this (used e.g. to animate menu cursors etc.).
Each game's master file table contains a single file that defines all palettes for each spriteset_sprite. This file is stored in the MFT directory with id_low = 0x4679 and id_high = 0x9a65. This directory will only contain a single file with the ID 0xc5e9 in every game.
The structure of this file is simple: A 4 byte header, containing the number of palettes in this file, followed by an array of that many palettes. Each palette is 0x20 bytes in size (16 entries per palette, 2 bytes per entry, see GBATEK). The game engine will automatically copy palettes from this file into palette RAM as neccessary.
To get the palette index for a spriteset_obj, add (spriteset_obj.tileAndPalette >> 12) + spriteset_header.palStart
Usage example
void load_sprite(spriteset_header* spriteset, void* spritePalettes, int spriteId)
// spriteset should point to the start of a spriteset file
// spritePalettes should point to the start of the sprite palettes file (there is only one per game)
spriteset_sprite* sprites = (u8*)spriteset + spriteset->offsetToSprites;
spriteset_tile* tiles = (u8*)spriteset + spriteset->offsetToTiles;
spriteset_sprite* sprite = &sprites[spriteId];
// do something with sprite
spriteset_obj* objs = (u8*)spriteset + spriteset->offsetToOBJs + sprite->objOffset;
for (int objIndex=0; objIndex < sprite->objCount; objIndex++) {
spriteset_obj* obj = &objs[objIndex];
// do something with obj
int firstTileIndex = obj->tileAndPalette & 0xfff;
spriteset_tile* firstTile = &tiles[firstTileIndex];
// do something with the tiles
// number of tiles is implied by sprite->shape
// for OBJs with a height of more than 1 tile, successive rows of tiles are stored 16 tiles apart.
// example: assuming startTileIndex = 4 and shape = 8x16: tile indices are 4 and 20.
// color lookup example:
int pixelColor = firstTile->data[0] & 0xf; // extract color of 1st pixel in the tile
int paletteIndex = spriteset->palStart + (obj->tileAndPalette >> 12);
// First 4 bytes are an ignoreable header, and each palette is 0x20 bytes in size (16 colors * 2 bytes per color)
u16* palettePtr = (u8*)spritePalettes + 4 + 0x20*paletteIndex;
u16 paletteEntry = palettePtr[pixelColor];