RAM map (Boktai 3)

From Boktai Hacking Wiki
Revision as of 15:04, 10 August 2024 by Raphi (talk | contribs)

This is the RAM map for Boktai 3 (J).


Address Type Description
0x02000580 void* Pointer to to Django's actor data?
+ 0x30 i16[3] Current position
+ 0x424 i16 Current HP
+ 0x428 i16 Current ENE
0x0200eec0 Boss HP
0x020031c1 i8 Dialogue box portrait
0x0203c508 void* Pointer to #Stat struct, defaults to 0x0203c400 on hard reset (but moves on soft resets)
0x0203db08 void* Pointer to #World struct, defaults to 0x0203e200 on hard reset (but moves on soft resets)
0x0203e308 void* Pointer to #Stat struct, defaults to 0x0203c400 on hard reset (but moves on soft resets)

Stat struct

Access this struct via 0x0203c508. See also: Inventory (Boktai 3).

Offset Type Description
0x18 i16[4] Stats (VIT/SPR/STR/?) - updated from *0x0200580 + ?? on screen transitions
0x42 i16 Allocatable stat points
0x48 i32 Total EXP

World struct

Access this struct via 0x0203db08.

Offset Type Description

Scratch struct

Access this struct via 0x0203e308.

Offset Type Description


Address Type Description
0x030052f4 struct* Pointer to current Map file descriptor (usually/always 0x02000010)
+ 0x00 i32 Number of Zones
+ 0x04 void* Pointer to map file tile data
+ 0x0c void* Pointer to map file zones
+ 0x10 void* Pointer to map file unknown block 1
+ 0x14 void* Pointer to map file unknown block 2
0x03005308 i32 RNG index
0x03005418 i16[3] Camera position



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