RAM map (Boktai 1): Difference between revisions

From Boktai Hacking Wiki
(PAL buffers)
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 125: Line 125:
| 0x0203dcd8 || i16[8] || Lens EXP
| 0x0203dcd8 || i16[8] || Lens EXP
| 0x0203dce8 || i32 || Solar bank
| 0x0203dce8 || i32 || Solar station
| 0x0203dd2c || i16 || Link points source
| 0x0203dd2c || i16 || Link points source
Line 225: Line 225:
| 0x03000108 || treasure_data* || Pointer to this map's [[#Treasure data]] (NULL if map has no treasures)
| 0x03000108 || treasure_data* || Pointer to this map's [[#Treasure data]] (NULL if map has no treasures)
| 0x03001c20 || Actor* || Pointer to coffin [[actor]]
| 0x03001c2c || i16 || Solar sensor: Bars. See 0x020011c2.
| 0x03001c2c || i16 || Solar sensor: Bars. See 0x020011c2.
Line 239: Line 241:
| + 0x18 || i32 || Current lens level
| + 0x18 || i32 || Current lens level
| + 0x24 || i16[3] || Current position
| + 0x11a || || Max HP - Current HP
| + 0x11a || || Max HP - Current HP
Line 247: Line 251:
| 0x03001cc8 || void* || Pointer to linked list of bat enemies?
| 0x03001cc8 || void* || Pointer to linked list of bat enemies?
| 0x03003fb0 || u16[0x100] || OBJ palette buffer (copied to PAL memory every frame)
| 0x030043c4 || void* || ''Pointer'' to background palette buffer (0x200 bytes, in IWRAM, copied to PAL memory every frame)
| 0x03004438 || u32 || [[Actor]] disable flags
| 0x03004438 || u32 || [[Actor]] disable flags
Line 317: Line 325:
| 0x04 || i32 || Solar sensor calibration (<code>raw level - 2</code> at time of calibration)
| 0x04 || i32 || Solar sensor calibration (<code>raw level - 2</code> at time of calibration)
| 0x08 || i32 || Solar bank

Latest revision as of 14:29, 27 December 2024

This is the RAM map for Boktai 1 (U). Go to ROM map.


Address Type Description
0x020011c0 i32 Solar sensor: Calibrated level (0=dark, 140=max brightness. Calibrated level = calibration - raw level, then clamp to 0-140)
0x020011c2 i32 Solar sensor: Bars. Calculated from calibrated level (0=dark, 8=max brightness)
0x02001b5e i16 Current boss health (read only)
0x02001b6a i16 Current trap health (read only)
0x02005610 i16 Link points in status room
0x02007542 i16 Permafrost: frost ceiling
0x02008436 i16 Purification: top left tower health
0x020086c6 i16 Purification: bottom right tower health
0x02008956 i16 Purification: top right tower health
0x02008be6 i16 Purification: bottom left tower health
0x0201a400 struct Decompressed tile map file (only used if the tile map file was compressed, uncompressed files are accessed directly from ROM)
0x0203c800 u16[1024] RNG table (generated by the bootstrap RNG once on power-on)
0x0203d800 byte[0x580] #Stat struct
0x0203e000 byte[0x580] Stat struct - backup (created on screen transitions, reloaded on death, saved to save file when saving)
0x0203e800 byte[0x400] #World struct
0x0203ec00 byte[0x400] World struct - backup
0x0203f000 byte[?] #Scratch struct

Stat struct

See also: Inventory (Boktai 1)

Address Type Description
0x0203d80a i16[7] Grenade amounts
0x0203d818 i16[7] Battery charges
0x0203d828 char[?] Player name
0x0203d840 i16 Max HP
0x0203d878 i32 Doomy debt
0x0203d88c i16 Equipped lens
0x0203d88e i16 Equipped frame
0x0203d890 i16 Equipped grenades
0x0203d892 i16 Equipped battery
0x0203d894 i16 Pineapple grenade charge
0x0203d898 i32[5] Solar plant progress
0x0203d8b0 i32 Unlock Astro battery (must be set to *(*0x03001c90 + 0x7dc))
0x0203d8b6 i16 Playthrough count (0=New Game, 1=New Game+, 2=New Game++, etc.)
0x0203d8f0 i16[3] Django position
0x0203d8f6 i16 Django oritentation
0x0203d8fa i16 Current HP
0x0203d8fc i32 IGT frames since creating save file
0x0203d900 i16 Current Map ID
0x0203d90c u16 Current map's init script ID
0x0203d910 i32 Dungeon IGT
0x0203d914 i32 Dungeon charged energy
0x0203d918 i16 Dungeon detections
0x0203d91c u16 Room flags (bit 2=indoors (no sun))
0x0203d91e i32 Solar sensor: Calibrated level (see 0x020011c0)
0x0203d928 i32 Dungeon completion flags
0x0203dadc i32 Current Area ID
0x0203daf0 u16 Dungeon related flags?
0x0203daf4 i32 Purification: Immortal health
0x0203dc18 i16 Item inventory size
0x0203dc1a i16[42] Item inventory IDs
0x0203dc6e i16[42] Item inventory amounts
0x0203dcc2 i16 Grenade limit
0x0203dcc4 i32 Lens inventory (bitmask, 1 bit per lens and level)
0x0203dcc8 i32 Frame inventory (bitmask)
0x0203dcd0 i32 Battery inventory (bitmask)
0x0203dcd8 i16[8] Lens EXP
0x0203dce8 i32 Solar station
0x0203dd2c i16 Link points source
0x0203dd2e i16 Link battles total
0x0203dd30 i16 Link battles won
0x0203dd32 i16 Item exchange amount
0x0203dd38 char[?] Item exchange partner name

World struct

Address Type Description
0x0203e80e i16 Global story progress
0x0203e898:5 bit[6] Roadblock cleared flags: Fog castle, Dark castle (unlocks warp), Firetop, Permafrost, Sol City, Bloodrust
0x0203e8bc i32 Action difficulty (0=Easy, 1=Normal, 2=Hard)
0x0203e8c0:0 bit[30] Silver coin collection flags
0x0203e8c3:6 bit[16] Life fruit collection flags
0x0203e8c5:6 bit[64] "Chest opened" flags for current area (resets on area change)
0x0203e8cf u8 Last dungeon rank
0x0203e8d0:3 bit Undead: Trigger dungeon intro
0x0203e8d4 u8 Azure Sky Tower: Current room (0=NE, 1=SE, 2=NW, 3=SW)
0x0203e8dc u8 Azure Sky Tower: Enemy index of key holder (see 0x0203eab4 and 0x0203eac4)
0x0203e8dd u8 Azure Sky Tower: Current floor
0x0203e8e0 u8 Azure Sky Tower: Number of completions
0x0203e8de u8 Azure Sky Tower: Current palette (0-7)
0x0203e8e1 u8[4] Azure Sky Tower: Current floor room indices (indices: 0=NE, 1=SE, 2=NW, 3=SW). The index of the current room will be copied to 0x0203f2f6.
0x0203ea1a i16 Current door ID
0x0203ea1c i32 Current door script ID (used for respawning the player after using the bank/loans)
0x0203ea91 u8 Bloodrust mansion courtyard layout
0x0203eab4 u8[16] Azure Sky Tower: Current floor enemy types. Entries 0-3=NE room, 4-7=SE, 8-11=NW, 12-15=SW. (TODO: value list)
0x0203eac4 u8[32] Azure Sky Tower: Current floor enemy coordinates (TODO: how does this work?)

Scratch struct

Address Type Description
0x0203f01f u8 Current cutscene progress
0x0203f0cc i16 Dungeon base score
0x0203f140 u8 TAIYOJU: Tree palette (0=dark brown, 1=dark blue, 2=light brown)
0x0203f1b4 u8[13] Carmilla: Pattern list - one of 4 hardcoded lists will be chosen at random when starting the fight
0x0203f1c1 u8[3] Carmilla: Pattern pool (indices into pattern list)
0x0203f1c4 u8[3] Carmilla: ???
0x0203f1c7 u8 Carmilla: Next pool value
0x0203f1c8 u8 Carmilla: Pattern index (index into pattern pool) - the (current/next?) pattern is pattern_list[pattern_pool[next_pool_value]]
0x0203f2f6 u8 Azure Sky Tower: Current room index (0-31)


Address Type Description
0x03000600 void* ID of Tile map file that has been decompressed to 0x0201a400
0x03000630 i32 Solar sensor interface: State (0=measuring, 1=resetting, 2=idle)
0x03000634 i32 Solar sensor interface: Counter (0-511, counts half-cycles of the 74LV4040 counter chip)
0x0300063c i32 Solar sensor interface: shift out (next value to be written to GPIO_DATA)
0x03000648 void* Script directory: Script index pointer
0x03000648 void* Script directory: Script count
0x03000108 treasure_data* Pointer to this map's #Treasure data (NULL if map has no treasures)
0x03001c20 Actor* Pointer to coffin actor
0x03001c2c i16 Solar sensor: Bars. See 0x020011c2.
0x03001c40 u16 Active item effects (bitmask)
0x03001c54 i16 Grenade effect duration
0x03001c58 u16 Active grenade effect (bitmask)
0x03001c60 i16 Item effect duration
0x03001c90 void* Pointer to Django's actor data?
+ 0x18 i32 Current lens level
+ 0x24 i16[3] Current position
+ 0x11a Max HP - Current HP
+ 0x79a u16 Enduranut buffered damage
+ 0x7dc i32 Astro battery unlock password
0x03001cc8 void* Pointer to linked list of bat enemies?
0x03003fb0 u16[0x100] OBJ palette buffer (copied to PAL memory every frame)
0x030043c4 void* Pointer to background palette buffer (0x200 bytes, in IWRAM, copied to PAL memory every frame)
0x03004438 u32 Actor disable flags
0x03004450 u16 Keypad: down buttons (active-high)
0x03004452 u16 Keypad: pressed buttons (down current frame, up on previous frame)
0x03004454 u16 Keypad: released buttons (up on current frame, down on previous frame)
0x03004478 i32 Bootstrap RNG seed
0x03004480 Array Actor list
0x030044f8 i32 Solar sensor interface: Is enabled (true/false)
0x030044fc i32 Solar sensor interface: Last result (GPIO_DATA & 8)
0x03004508 i32 Solar sensor interface: Raw level (counter / 2 when GPIO_DATA & 8 becomes nonzero. 0=max brightness, 255=dark)
0x03004520 void* Bytecode: Program counter
0x03004524 void* Bytecode: Return value
0x0300450c i32 Solar sensor interface: Timer interval (TM3CNT_LO will be set to -this value)
0x03004610 struct* Pointer to current Map file descriptor (usually/always 0x02000010)
+ 0x00 i32 Number of Zones
+ 0x04 void* Pointer to map file tile data
+ 0x0c void* Pointer to map file zones
+ 0x10 void* Pointer to map file unknown block 1
+ 0x14 void* Pointer to map file unknown block 2
+ 0x24 zone_callback[] List of zone callbacks:
struct zone_callback {
  /* offset 0x08 */ u16 zone_id;
  /* offset 0x24 */ void* bytecode_ptr; // Generally points into a Script
0x03004620 i32 RNG index
0x030046a8 struct* Pointer to #Save data header (usually/always? 0x03000768)
0x030046c4 struct* Pointer to #Global save data (always 0x03000750)
0x030046e8 i16[3] Camera position

Save data header

Offset Type Description
0x2c char[?] Player name

Global save data

Offset Type Description
0x00 i32 Global frame counter
0x04 i32 Solar sensor calibration (raw level - 2 at time of calibration)
0x08 i32 Solar bank

Other structs

Treasure data

// pointer to this struct is at 0x03000108
struct treasure_data {
  /* offset 0x24 */ treasure_node* list_head;

struct treasure_node {
  /* offset 0x14 */ treasure_trigger* trigger;
  /* offset 0x28 */ u32 callback_script_id;
  /* offset 0x2c */ u32 callback_args[?];
  /* offset 0xb8 */ treasure_node* list_next;

struct treasure_trigger {
  /* offset 0x20 */ i16 position[3];


Byte address Byte size Description
0x0000 0x18 #Global save data
0x00c0 0x28 Slot 1: #Save data header
0x0200 0x28 Slot 2: #Save data header
0x0340 0x400 Slot 1: #World struct
0x0780 0x418 Slot 1: #Stat struct
0x0dc0 0x400 Slot 2: #World struct
0x1200 0x418 Slot 2: #Stat struct
0x1840 0x168
0x1a40 0x168

Each block is followed by its checksum, see Save data checksums.